What is Positive Expected Value (EV) Betting?
Positive EV Betting is a math-driven sports betting strategy which fundamentally relies on the efficient market hypothesis applied to sports bets. We first collect the odds for a particular betting market and estimate the true odds of either side of the bet winning. If we books with odds that are better than the market says they should be, we have what’s called positive expected value (+EV) and so we make the bet. While any individual bet will win or lose, since math is on our side we expect to win over the long term.
Why is Positive EV Betting So Profitable?
Positive EV betting puts the overall odds in the bettor’s favor. It’s like being the casino that offers a blackjack game. While a Positive EV bettor certainly won’t win every day, or even every month, in the long-term math will win.
Is Positive EV Betting the Only Profitable Sports Betting Strategy?
Heaven’s no! It’s simply one of the most straightforward to understand and execute when you have enough data, can make the calculations, and take action, all before the opportunity goes away. Positive EV betting, which is basically power-shopping for good deals on sports bets, can also enhance other strategies — so it’s a great place to start.
If Winning Money with Positive EV Betting is So Easy, Why Doesn’t Everybody Do It?
We never said it was easy! Positive EV betting can be a grind, and even with great bets normal outcome variance can test the patience and resolve of even the best bettors. While Positive EV betting can be a fun side hustle, and will likely lead to significant profits, this is not an elevator that only goes up. If it was, then it wouldn’t exist because THEN it would be so easy that everyone would do it! It is actually that roller coaster of variance that discourages enough bettors to give the rest of us the opportunity. THANK GOODNESS FOR VARIANCE!
What is the Bad Beat Bonus Month, and How Does it Work?
If you bet sports long enough, you will have a bad streak, even when you have an advantage. It’s part of the game, and can’t be avoided. However, we want to do everything we can to give you a good experience with 8rain Station — so whether it is the first month or two years from now, as long as you have a monthly or longer subscription, your first losing month is on us! Once you’ve had a month where you’re negative, submit a request to us via email or Discord and we’ll take care of you. One Bad Beat Bonus Month per Member.
How can I Learn How to Use 8rain Station?
8rainbets has a number of YouTube videos explaining features and showing 8rain Station in use. He also does regular livestreams where you are welcome to ask questions and get more specialized instructions. We’re also happy to set up one-on-one coaching with 8rainbets. Send him an email at anthony@8rainstation.com. If nothing else, join 8rainDiscord.com, it’s free and full of great people who will help you learn!
What if I Already Have a Subscription to Another Sharp Betting Software?
8rain Station is a separate, standalone product, powered by all the data we can get, and we’re always looking to add more. If you have a separate subscription to another odds product, you can use 8rain Station alongside it to find more plays. But we think the sharpest sports bettors will want to make the switch to 8rain Station over time.
Does this Support Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS)?
8rain Station is not designed specifically for DFS, but it certainly supports research tied to DFS betting markets. We will be developing more capabilities in this area over time.
Can I Get a Special Discount?
We set our retail pricing as fairly as we can based on the cost of data and development of the software. As a premium product with a sophisticated Membership base, we are not interested in playing pricing/discount games. If you don’t have a referral code, you can use code STATION to save 10% off your first purchase. Beyond that, everybody pays the same thing.
Do You Have an Affiliate Program?
All active 8rain Station members can choose a referral code others can use for 10% off their first purchase. For each person who uses your code, you will get $50 off your next 8rain Station renewal. If you earn more referral credits than the cost of your 8rain Station Membership, we’ll get you a cash payment.
Let’s Connect
- Join the Free Discord Community at 8rainDiscord.com
- Schedule a 1-on-1 video chat
- Anthony / @8rainbets, CEO anthony@8rainstation.com
- Erick / @8rainErick, CTO, erick@8rainstation.com
“I have been wagering on sports since I was in my early twenties, I’m now in my mid-fifties. I never was a consistently profitable gambler till I started with 8rain Station. I’ve now had nine consecutive profitable months in a row, all by following the Station. I love the flexibility that allows me to come up with my own angles and strategies.”

8rain Station Member